Redlands Trees and Orange Grove conservation

Planting and maintaining street trees, and increasing our citrus acreage, honors our heritage and contributes to the enjoyment of living here. The more prosperous our groves are, the more money they generate for maintaining and planting groves going forward. I would like the city to set a policy that we own a minimum 200 acres of citrus grove. For now, I would like to halt all city-funded citrus planting until we have predictability with the Asian psyllid, and I oppose cutting or selling any citrus acreage.

Street trees lower crime, increase the water table, raise property values, reduce smog, increase community activity, lower electricity bills and increase resident health. We need to plant shade trees across all of Redlands to support equity, and we need to maintain the ones we have and remove the dead ones.

Toni Momberger's Focus on the Redlands City Council

A vote for Toni is a vote for Redlands

Reducing the homeless population

Local Businesses

Strengthening the economy by promoting local businesses

Trees and Orange Groves

Investment in orange groves and street trees


Recharging the water table

Photo Credits: Redlands Daily Facts